One Voice, Out Loud...
Better known for his collaboration with the electronica group Volts United, Mr. Mase (born Mason Scott Wallar) is forging his own solo music career using his smooth and inventive lyrics, intellectualism and witty charm. As a true product of hip-hop, this Wichita Falls, Texas native became interested in the culture at the young age of 13 when two gospel rap artists performed at his school. As a teenager he used music and songwriting as therapy to get through a tumultuous childhood. In 2006, Mr. Mase joined the group Volts United, serving as the refreshing hip-hop element to their dance/electronica vibe. Their collaborative efforts produced highly energetic singles like “Two Thrones”, “Just Found Trouble” and “Twinkle Twinkle You’re A Star,” which were featured on online and college radio stations around the country. Their single, “Total Control”, is one of their most definitive and seductive songs to date and went on to be featured on MTV’s show Eye Candy. Mr. Mase is particularly found of this single not only because he got the chance to write it and lay down his vocals, but because he got to co-produce it as well.
In 2012, Mr. Mase decided to embark on his solo music career and released his first mixtape, Speed Date Mixtape. With inspiring, anecdotal songs like "Lucid Dreaming" or timeless city anthems like "My City" and "Where I'm From", this mixtape has a broad palette of textures suited for any hip-hop head. He released his second mixtape in Summer 2015 titled I Told You Once Before. This mixtape is an ode to the old and new, mixing flavors of classic hip-hop like "Back Against The Wall" and neo-electro elements like "Work." Currently, he is working on his first official solo album, Lucky Number 7, with a release date set for early 2017.
When Mr. Mase is not in the studio laying down tracks, he’s working on his production company called Panda-Mo-Nium Productions. He specializes in photography, videography, and studio production. He started Panda-Mo-Nium Productions in 2015 as a way to explore his creative skill sets and also as a way to have sole control over his music. One of his main goals as an artist is to, as he states, “make meaningful and impactful art.”